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Yes, Its The Blog Post About Gear...

Writer: Shell's BlogShell's Blog

Fujifilm is going to love this. My first SLR was a Fuji, and I have followed it through various incarnations to now arrive at my present camera, the Fujifilm X-T30.

This is the black version of the Fujifilm Mirrorless Camera and Lens Kit combination. Which to elaborate means this is the X-T30 body with the XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4 R LM OIS lens. I use a Manfrotto tripod.

I have always loved Fujifilm for the superb colour recognition and performance.

Their colour reproduction technology in their cameras has been honed to perfection using their knowledge from their history in the photographic film business. And it was this that attracted me to their range in the past. I wanted to use a combination of film and camera that was capable of capturing the subtleties of colour in the natural world.

Green isn't just 'green'.

And come to that white isn't just white either! As you can see from the image above, and this is the same for any colour. There are so many shades to a colour, and we all see them differently. But what obsessed me at the time, having been trained as an illustrator and designer, was the quite stunning amount of different hues of green you could see in the landscape. It still amazes me when I look at the different types of leaves on the trees and their different shades of green.

When I tried Fujifilm cameras all those years ago and saw the brilliant capture of the different greens in the images I was taking I have not considered any other brand since, and so I have stayed with them in my choice of my recent camera. Now of course the colour rendition is simply stunning and the camera provides all the bells and whistles you might need. To see the full range of their cameras have a look at their website.

The other reason I chose this camera was for the X-Mount Series Lenses you can purchase to go with the camera body. The lenses in this series are excellent quality and value. Again, see the Fujifilm website or your preferred dealer for the range available. This range of lenses enables you to tailor your needs exactly to your subject, and your own personal style.

The standard kit zoom lens that came with the camera when I purchased it is a versatile general purpose lens that has a good wide angle of view but still allows you to zoom in to a decent focal length. I tend to use this like a scouting expedition or general use and then I return later with my other lenses if the location appeals to me. The images above show my other two lenses that I chose after much research to use for specific shots.

These are the Telephoto Zoom Lens XF 55-200mm F3.5-4.8 R LM OIS and the Macro Lens XF 80mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR.

The Telephoto Zoom Lens is just extraordinary and is superb for my subject. Either for landscape or architecture its portability makes it an attractive choice for me. It is well built and has a fast autofocus motion. The Macro Lens is a stunning piece of equipment enabling you to achieve close-up shots hand held, due to the stabilising system if you wish, depending on the conditions. The quality of the images you can get with this lens are in my opinion some of the best out there in macro photography.

And then there is the glorious Wide Angle Zoom Lens XF 10-24mm F4 R OIS.

The optical quality of this lens is just phenomenal, and is fast becoming one of my favourite lenses for taking photos of interiors, architecture and the landscape. It has a mid-range, stabilised zoom, again enabling you to hand hold when shooting, making it very adaptable.

And as I get very irritated by those online PDF manuals for cameras, I have always printed out the manual in an A4 format and kept it in a file, especially when I have just purchased a new system. While I get used to working out all the camera body's internal menus, [some I know I will never use!] I find it useful to have space on a page where I can scribble my own notes to remind me of anything that needed clarification, it is just so much easier to find afterwards.

However, the combination of all the lenses and the options available in the camera shooting menus has given me the flexibility I require to achieve the images I want as I try to capture the experiences I have while I am in the sacred places in the landscape, and the ordinary places, but where the unexpected can also happen.

The gear should not dictate your decisions. You should choose the gear to realise your vision.

The best advice I would give anybody asking about which equipment they should buy is to think about what you want it for. What you enjoy taking images of and where, and whether it is for personal use or professional. What are the sort of images you wish to create and what the subject matter is. What the equipment can give you.

This way it becomes an extension of you. You are perfectly attuned to it. When you are taking your images the gear responds to your instinct, and it becomes a joyous experience.




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John Hewitt
John Hewitt
Oct 20, 2022

Great advice here Shelley. I mostly use Nikon (for film and digital) and a small Leica, but I know for a fact that Fujifilm makes great cameras. Their new version for street photography is really superb. The X100V.

Shell's Blog
Shell's Blog
Oct 30, 2022
Replying to

Apologies my friend for late reply, just catching up on here! I have always used Fujifilm, I must admit, but I have been tempted by Leica for certain subjects - the quality is astounding. Perhaps if I ever do the lottery!


Aug 20, 2022

Like you, I have always used Fujifilm cameras and have always been really pleased with them. Up there with Nikon in my opinion.

Great Blog, A. T.

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